East Coast Natural Muscle Classic

September 16th, 2023 | Virginia Beach, VA,

Class Categories

Classes with (PQ) are Pro Qualifiers

Teen: Ages 15-19

Debut: Ages 18+
first competition ever; cannot have competed before with any federation

Novice: Ages 18+
cannot have placed 1st in any class besides Teen or Debut with any federation (with the exception of cases where 1st place was won in a class that only had one competitor in

Masters: Ages 40+
age must fall within range on the day of the competition (ie Masters 40-49, Masters 50-59, Masters 60-69, etc)

Open: Ages 18+ with any level of experience

Crossovers Are Allowed

Divisions Categories

Men’s and Women’s Bodybuilding
Men’s and Women’s Physique
Men’s and Women’s Sports Model
Men’s Classic Physique
Classic Figure (1-piece suit)
Angel (wings)
Men’s and Women’s Transformation

Crossovers Are Allowed

